Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Titles suck

But they're the hallmark of the clever blog aren't they.
Fingers poised over the keyboard, dangling pupetteer-like, ready to show the world how creative you are. Sometimes it comes easy, other times your ready to let gravity take charge of the dead weight your head is, and allow it to make a dull thud onto your desk. Or maybe a "Wackle" kind of sound when yer noggin hits the keyboard.
So, the Coaster's Comedy nights have been moved to Wednesdays. Thank freaking Jesus!(figuratively of course) We've always been lacking for audience members, and I know there are people who would enjoy coming on a regular basis. The Monday evening thing was a difficult hurdle I fully understand. I'm a recluse to begin with, and Mondays are just so condusive to staying in, it's practically law.
Plus, people might have shown up in the past, and then watched some serious floundering on stage, and decided to never come again. I can't really argue that, I mean, I'm never going to attend anything that goes by the name "Pivot" ever again.

So now I've been going through reams of material, for a few reasons. I have about two dozen Word documents on various computers with jokes, sketches and ideas. This likely isn't the most efficient way to organize the funny. I've lost track of a few bits, and things I've wanted to work on, get lost in new messes that pop into my head.
For example, for the show I'm taking to the Fringe, in between the sketches, I was planning on performing some stand-up vis a vis religion, etc. Except now ideas are starting to consume me regularly, and I have no idea how I'm going to squeeze some of the stuff in. I should be taking what I want to do, likely the best stuff, polishing that - then rehearsing the shit out of it. Every time I go to polish, I find something new - then that thing needs polish.

You'd think that was a good thing right?

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